Lessons Learned

With Every New Build and Renovation There Are Lessons To Be Learned

My top twelve lessons learned and confirmed over the years:

  • There is more than one way to get a job done.
  • Often there are conflicting priorities at play amongst the contributors.
  • Open communication and transparency is key.
  • Being welcoming & encouraging while on the job are critical traits for effective teamwork.
  • Everyone wants to look forward to getting up to go to the job site. Attitude matters.
  • Solid plans and a set course of action makes the job run more smoothly.
  • Operating with the result in mind with a specific deadline works best for all involved.
  • Confirm credentials, knowledge & experience of every player on the team up front.
  • Make sure all drawings are complete and accurate from the onset.
  • Confirm whether or not assumptions are accurate.
  • Take into consideration all potential dilemmas with, at least, a “Plan B”.
  • Be a respectful contributor and collaborator – taking ownership for the success of the project – no matter what your position or responsibility is on any particular project.

Author: Lori Marcoux